A Modded Adventure Wiki

Welcome to the guide of items! This is the page created by HRufxen himself in order to let other people about the uses in some stands! Perfect for new players to AMA ( A Modded Adventure )

( This page will be adding some more information due to events, so stay tuned )

( This is a guide for new players and for players who want to learn more what its item's function )

( I also made some mistakes in this page, if you spot any mistakes on this page , let me know in the comments and i will fix it )

What is Items?

In AMA ( A Modded Adventure ) just like in other Roblox Jojo Games like A Bizarre Day , Items can either used to either get or to evolve a stand / spec. These are some questions what people will say ( In my opinion )

" What items can be used to evolve a stand or spec ? "

These are some stands that can be used to evolve your stand / spec

  • 10K Pot ( Unobtainable = Can be used to evolve Pot Platinum to 10K Pot Platinum )
  • 1M Halo ( Unobtainable = Can be used to evolve Made in Heaven to Made in Neon )
  • DIO's Diary ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve stands like C-Moon and Star Platinum )
  • Jotaro's Hat ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Star Platinum to Evil Spirit , but this item has no use as Evil Spirit is now an unobtainable stand. You can still evolve Star Platinum but you will get Null instead )
  • Requiem Arrow ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve stands like Golden Experience, you can even used it on Standless )
  • Cone ( Obtainable = Can be used to get Cone Platinum [ 9 out of 10 chances ] and Chill Pot Platinum [ 1 out of 10 chances ] )
  • Hellish Diary = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve stands like Sonic )
  • Vampire Mask =( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve a spec called Vampire to Kars )
  • Essence of The Pot God = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve a spec called Fist of The Pot Star to The Fist of The Pot God 0
  • Holy Corpse = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Spin, Tusk 1-3 )
  • Duality Orb = ( Obtainable = Not too sure what it does )
  • Ender Pearl = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve King Crimson to Ender Crimson )
  • POT's Diary ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Pot Platinum to True Pot Platinum )
  • Frog = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Dopplio King Crimson and Dopplio Two King Crimson )
  • Zero Two's Horns = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Standless Requiem to get Zero Two )
  • Sonic Boots = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Made in Heaven to get Sonic )
  • Camera = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve The World )
  • Hyper's Chaos Emerald = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Green Platinum to Hyper Pot Platinum )
  • Jotaro's Requiem Arrow = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Star Platinum to Star Platinum Requiem )
  • Aja Mask = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve Kars to Kars Ultimate Life Form )
  • DIO's Diary = ( Obtainable = Can be used to evolve some stands below )

There are some stands that can be evolve using DIO's Diary

  1. C-Moon ( Evolve Whitesnake to C-Moon using DIO's Diary )
  2. Made in Heaven ( Evolve C-Moon to Made in Heaven using DIO's Diary )
  3. Star Platinum Over Heaven ( Evolve Star Platinum to Star Platinum Over Heaven using DIO's Diary )
  4. The World Over Heaven ( Evolve The World / Retro The World to The World Over Heaven using DIO's Diary )
  5. Craziest Diamond ( Evolve Crazy Diamond to Craziest Diamond using DIO's Diary )
  6. Star Platinum : Heritage for the Future Over Heaven ( Evolve Star Platinum : Heritage for the Future to Star Platinum : Heritage for the Future Over Heaven using DIO's Diary )
  7. Green Platinum ( Evolve Shadow Pot Platinum to Green Platinum using DIO's Diary )

These stands can be evolved using DIO's Diary in addition

  1. Meme Experience ( Evolve Golden Experience to Meme Experience using Bootleg's Diary )
  2. Made in China / MIC ( Evolve Made in Heaven / MIH to Made in China / MIC using Bootleg's Diary )
  3. Meme World ( Evolve The World to Meme World using Bootleg's Diary )
  4. Bootleg Silver Chariot Requiem ( Evolve Star Platinum to Bootleg Silver Chariot Requiem using Bootleg's Diary )

These stands can be evolved by using Bootleg's Diary

  • POT's Diary ( Can be used to evolve these stands below )
  1. True Pot Platinum ( Evolve Green Platinum to True Pot Platinum using POT's Diary )
  2. Galaxy Star Platinum Over Heaven ( Evolve Star Platinum Over Heaven to Galaxy Star Platinum Over Heaven using POT's Diary )

These stands can be evolved by using POT's Diary

" What items can give you Stand / Spec "

These are some items that will give you either a stand or spec

  • Arrow

( Arrow = Gives you a random stand provided below )

  1. Star Platinum
  2. Golden Experience ( The most rarest stand to get from arrow, also the rarest in the whole AMA )
  3. The World
  4. Retro Star Platinum
  5. Retro The World
  6. Dopplio King Crimson
  7. Killer Queen
  8. Whitesnake ( The third rarest stand to get from arrow )
  9. Silver Chariot ( The second rarest stand to get from arrow )
  10. Star Platinum : The World
  11. Funny Valentine ( D4C )
  12. Star Platinum : Heritage for the Future
  13. Shiny Star Platinum
  14. Anubis
  15. The Hand
  16. Diver Down

( Reborn Arrow = Obtainable = Gives you a stand called Shadow Pot Platinum )

  • Holy Corpse Left Eye ( Obtainable = Gives you Scary Monster which is a spec )
  • X- Soul ( Obtainable / Unobtainable = Gives you X-Chara which is a spec )
  • Hat ( Obtainable = Gives you a spec called One More Time )
  • Bone ( Obtainable = Gives you Sans , which is a spec from Undertale )
  • Knife ( Obtainable = Gives you Chara , which is a spec from Undertale )

" What can i use to discard a stand that i don't like "

  • Rokaka Fruit = ( Obtainable = Can be used to discard any stand )

Item Tier List ( My opinion )

Unobtainable = Can't get it anymore, worth the value

  • 10K Pot ( Unobtainable )
  • Made in Halo ( Unobtainable )
  • Duality Orb ( Obtainable / Unobtainable )

S Tier = Highest value which is obtainable in the game anytime

  • Zero Two's Horns
  • X-Soul
  • Hat
  • Bone
  • DIO's Diary POT,s diary hyperchaos gem

A / B Tier = Has a moderate value, may or may not be worth it

  • Knife
  • Camera
  • Vampire Mask
  • Hellish Diary
  • Ender Pearl
  • Essence of The Pot God
  • Aja Mask
  • Bootleg's Diary

C Tier = Has a short value, can be find anywhere around the map at a short time

  • Sonic Boots
  • Frog
  • Cone
  • Requiem Arrow
  • Holy Corpse
  • Holy Corpse's Left Eye
  • Reborn Arrow
  • Jotaro's Requiem Arrow

D Tier = No or almost have no value

  • Arrow ( Already in your Hotkey )
  • Rokakaka Fruit ( Already in your Hotkey )
  • Jotaro's Hat ( Useless item as it gives a stand called Null, which it is like the same as Standless Requiem )

Original Author of this page : HRufxen

Edited by HRufxen - ( I added Aja Mask and placed it in B tier in this list ) -- Corrected by Robotsupergamer

- Did a massive changes to the page, adding links to items and stands, i also add some more items that can evolve a stand / spec - HRufxen
