A Modded Adventure Wiki

Golden Experience


Idk ill be waiting for sandbox to see the stats of Golden Experience.


Golden Experience is A tier the most rare in A tier. Source Of Rarity: Stands Value Tier List.

How To Get 101:

Step 1: Suffer eternal darkness and torture to get Gold Experience.

You will now have Golden Experience after getting a lot of Stand Arrows and Rokakaka Fruits.


Golden Experience has evolved forms of it there are many variants of it (not that many and no puns included).

How To Get 101 Gold Experience Requiem -

Step 1: Get Requiems Arrow. (Requiems Arrow can be found by using a poop hole and levitating on the ground. area on the left side of the DIO's Coffin). (Spawn Rates are 12.5 minutes - 1/15 chance). (Items Tier: A tier).

Step 2: Use it On Golden Experience.

You will now get Gold Step 1: Do the same steps to get Gold Experience Requiem.

Step 2: Get DIO's Diary. (You can get DIO's Diary by digging up the Dig area or alternatively defeat the DIO Boss DIO Boss spawns in 1 hour). (Sometimes the DIO's Diary spawns in the buried areas in the Digging spots, Sometimes you can get DIO's Diary by defeating DIO Boss but it just drops other stuff when you defeat the DIO Boss). (Spawn Rates are 15 minutes - 1/5 chance). (Item Tier: C tier).

Step 3: Use the DIO's Diary on Gold Experience Requiem.

You will now get Shiny Gold Experience Requiem (Gold Experience Requiem Over Heaven).

How To Get 101 Meme Experience -

Step 1: Get Golden Experience do the same steps on the "How To Get 101 part on how to get Golden Experience".

Step 2: Get a Bootleg's Diary (Can be found on the ground and by digging). (Spawn Rates are 15 minutes - 1/15 chance). (All items Source of Spawn Rates are in Spawn Rates Items). (Item Tier: A, all item tier list are found in Item Tier List).

You will now get Meme Experience.

How To Get 101 Meme Experience Requiem -

Step 1: Do the same steps to get Meme Experience .

Step 2: Get a Requiems Arrow (information on the Requiems Arrow can be found on the "How To Get 101 Gold Experience Requiem" part).

Step 3: Use it on Meme Experience.

You will now have Meme Experience Requiem.

Grief Fixed by me Koolingman1B

